Sunday, September 28, 2008

Kate's zero-based budget


Kate LutherWise Bread contributor Kate Luther describes herself as 'a city-girl turned country-girl who traded in the corporate 9 to 5 for a home office and a life as a freelance writer'.

Kate's article on what she calls 'zero-based budgeting' is worth reading for lots of reasons but for one in particular: her focus on that dodgy category in every budget called 'Miscellaneous'. According to Kate:

In a zero-based budget, you account for things that you normally just "leave to fate". Your gas for example, running money for the week and that $5 to buy the latest issue of Cosmo or Maxim or whatever it is that adorns your coffee table. In this type of budget, you list everything and I mean ev-er-y-thing.

Read Kate's words of financial wisdom here.

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