Sunday, September 28, 2008

Your budgeting toolbox


Get Rich SlowlyA reader asks JD of Getting Rich Slowly: "I would like to start listing my spending totals into a spreadsheet budget along with setting goals for ‘bigger things’ (trips, winter tires etc). Do you have a budget template that works for you, or could you please recommend a few tips on getting started?"

In response JD shares a comprehensive list of budgets and budgeting tools that he has tried and tested over the previous years. It makes an excellent starting point for all those couples who want to get serious about taking charge of their finances. There's even a few videos!

Check out this little gem entitled "Your Thrift Habits", produced back in 1948 by the good people at Coronet Instructional Films. As JD says, it’s filled with great advice and is fun to watch too.

Read the article in full here.

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