Saturday, October 11, 2008

FOCCUS: Not 'glossing over' any issues


Blogger Catholic Newlywed Girl found she was getting a lot of visitors to her post about the FOCCUS marital readiness inventory. So she decided to write some more about how she and her husband found the whole experience and how they both feel they benefited from it.

"All in all, the test is nothing to worry about, and is certainly not anything that you should feel the need to 'cheat' on."

She continues:

First of all, I don't know of any religions that are going to 'fail' you and tell you that you can't get married. I think (based on how our marriage preparation went) that the test is to make sure that the couple isn't 'glossing over' any issues.

If you're ignoring anything that could become a 'big issue', the marriage preparation sessions are a great place to talk about them, because the priest, deacon, or whoever gets to act as a mediator for the session.

You can read the post in full here.

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