Saturday, October 11, 2008

FOCCUS: 'You two scored the highest!'


In her wedding blog Sun Moon Stars Girl describes her and her fiance's experiences with the FOCCUS marital readiness test. She was told by her mentor:

"'In the fifteen years I have given the FOCCUS Inventory, you two scored the highest! In fact, in the 'key factors' section, you two matched 100%'."

Sun Moon Stars Girl describes the test-taking experience:

Each person is given the booklet, an answer sheet, and a number 2 pencil - yup, just like standardized tests (SATs, GREs, etc).

Then we were put in separate rooms to fill in our answers. There were about 75 statements that 'everyone' has to answer, and then 3 sections for 'special situations' in our version with about 15 statements each. We had to answer two of them - for remarrying couples, and for couples that co-habitate.

This sounds easy enough, but remember your answers are 'agree', 'disagree', or 'uncertain', and you have to read the statements carefully or you might end up answering in a way you did not intend to.

She continues:

One of the statements both of us were unsure about answering was, 'I can only be happy if I’m married'. Since we aren’t married yet, both of us answered 'disagree', but this and some of the other statements we definately had to think about for a couple minutes.

On learning of their 100%, best-ever score, Sun Moon Stars Girl writes:

I guess this is a really good sign of our life together right now, and to come!

Read the article in full here.

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