Saturday, October 4, 2008

Marriage: keeping you healthy


Married people are healthier than other adults. So concludes a report by the US National Center for Health Statistics based on a survey of more than 125,000 people. Says health statistician Charlotte Schoenborn:

Overall, this association between marital status and health persists regardless of socio-economic status, education and poverty, where people were born or their ethnicity. In general, married adults were the least likely to experience health problems and the least likely to engage in risky health behaviors, with the notable exception of being overweight.

According to a summary by CBS News, the report was based on a survey of 127,545 people in 1999-2002 conducted by the center, a part of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The report continues:

In addition to reporting better health overall, the study found that married people said they had less low back pain, fewer headaches and less psychological stress. They also were less likely to drink and smoke and were more physically active than people in general. An association between marriage and health was first reported in the 1970s, and the relationship persists although much has changed since then.

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