Saturday, October 11, 2008

Resolving finances before marriage


Personal financial topics are often the most difficult for people to discuss. But since financial issues often cause significant problems in marriages, you should try to reach agreement on your finances before your wedding. A helpful article by Roger Wohlner at identifies some items to consider.

  • Where do you want to be in five or 10 years?: Dreams for the future often come with price tags. Planning now will allow you to set priorities and start saving for those goals.
  • What assets and liabilities are each of you bringing to the marriage?: Preparing a combined net worth statement will give you a starting point for determining how you can help achieve your financial goals.
  • How will you handle spending decisions?: The process of defining goals and setting a budget can help resolve differing views about money matters, forcing couples to compromise and make joint decisions about how money will be spent. While that might seem like a painful process, addressing these issues now can help prevent future misunderstandings.

Read Roger's article in full here.

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